Posts Tagged ‘capital gains’

Retiring with investment property

Retiring with investment property

What’s your retirement plan? With the average life expectancy getting longer every year, it means we all have to plan as best we can for our retirement, with the aim of being financially stable and secure long into our golden years. It’s more apparent now than ever before that our superannuation just isn’t going to be enough to fund the rest of our lives past retirement.

This is why more and … Read more »

Capital gains stall

After showing strong conditions through to September, the final quarter of 2015 ends with capital city dwelling values declining by 1.4%.

According to the CoreLogic RP Data Home Value Index, dwelling values were absolutely flat across the combined capitals during December, with negative movements in Sydney, Adelaide and Canberra being offset by a rise in dwelling values across the remaining five capital cities. The Sydney housing market was the main drag … Read more »