Posts Tagged ‘investor’

Savvy investors shun Sydney and Melbourne, and look to Adelaide

Australia’s housing affordability crisis is forcing young people to take extraordinary steps – whether it’s a home a long way from the city or a tiny spot in a block of flats.

Sydney IT accounts manager Rob Cooper is one homebuyer who’s looked outside the square. He rents in Woolloomooloo but can’t afford to buy there, so he’s purchased a rental property in a trendy city suburb … Read more »

Who is the Australian property market’s typical investor?

Contrary to the image a property investor might conjure up – a wealthy full-time property speculator –  most residential investors in Australia don’t actually rely on it as their primary source of income.

In reality, Australia’s residential investment market is dominated by people who, having bought their own home, have moved onto buying an investment property. These small-scale investors own 83 per cent of all investment properties…. Read more »

Speculating vs investing?

There are many ways to make money from property. How you go about it will depend on whether you are a speculator or an investor.

The difference is usually in the timing.

I’m not talking about timing of the market where you buy at the bottom and sell at the top, (as if you can ever accurately pick those times anyway). No, I’m talking about you … Read more »

Why you shouldn’t rely on rental yield

Rental yield is a measurement of potential future rental income on an investment, and is generally calculated as a percentage based on the investment’s cost or market value. Rental yield can be used to compare properties and ascertain which option is better.

In Australia, we’re seeing a rise in rental yields, and while a good indicator on a sound investment, an investor shouldn’t rely solely on … Read more »