Posts Tagged ‘property market’

4 fundamentals of building long term wealth

Building wealth is a very subjective term, what a large amount of money is to one person is totally different in the eyes of another. This article will be catered towards reaching the masses and how they can go about retiring with a healthy amount of income.

So for the average Joe who is not the next Mark Zuckerberg or young millionaire, pay attention. The 4 wealth … Read more »

Are tenanted properties the right option for you?

Tenanted properties tend to have a reputation for being the investor’s jackpot. On the surface this may seem true, but this is where investors can get in trouble. Often times what may seem like a great opportunity can backfire horribly if not researched beforehand.

Although it seems like much of the work is already finished if a property is tenanted, this can very often be a negative. … Read more »

6 essential factors to choose the best apartment when investing

Many Australians today are going into apartment investing due to its high success rate on returns. Although this is true, it does not necessarily ensure your success. There are certain variables you need to take into account so that you minimise any risk on your investment.

Despite there being many, the following fundamental factors will serve you incredibly in determining whether an apartment is lucrative or not.

Research… Read more »

The hidden opportunity of investing in a granny flat

The notion of investing in a granny flat has previously been fairly uncommon. Typically, they are regarded as just an extra addition to an already finished home. Despite this, the opportunity that lies dormant for anyone to take advantage of is very real. Granny flats are an excellent and affordable opportunity to invest in when you know what you’re doing, and can generate quite a bit of income…. Read more »

5 practical ways to boost rental yield

With rental property being a massive source of income for many individuals in Australia, the question of how to boost its income yield remains integral.

Fortunately for you, this article will outline some of the top methods of increasing your rental yield so that you don’t go missing out on the potential earnings that countless of other property owners do.


It is common knowledge that the … Read more »

5 important lessons from an experienced property investor

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced property investor, there is no better way to expand your knowledge of the industry than to learn from people who have already been where you want to go.

The 5 tips in this article are foundational life lessons of those who have crossed the property investing path before:

Head over heart

Like poker players, experienced property investors all know to leave … Read more »

The 5 most common property investment mistakes

The notion of property investing can seem like a very exciting form of money-making, especially after all the TV shows that showcase its glamorous side. Unfortunately this stereotype attracts a lot of naive beginners who make mistakes which could have been avoided with a little prior knowledge.

This article will outline some of the fundamental mistakes that property investors make when starting out, so be sure to … Read more »

Units or Houses – which make better investments?

Have you ever wondered whether units or houses make better investments? In this article, I’ll explore the pros and cons for both and provide you with a definitive conclusion.


Compared to houses, units tend to be smaller abodes, with smaller rooms and less private open space. They may be stand alone (i.e. detached), or they may have common walls with abutting dwellings (i.e. semi-detached), and may also … Read more »

Spotlight on: Greater Springfield, Brisbane – part 3

Missed Part 2 of our Greater Springfield series? Read it here.

Just east of Ipswich, and within a half hour drive of Brisbane’s CBD, lies Greater Springfield – one of Australia’s most ambitious master-planned cities.

With two rail stations, and direct, non-stop access to Brisbane airport, Greater Springfield’s vision is to become a world-class regional city and services hub by 2030. … Read more »

Spotlight on: Greater Springfield, Brisbane – part 2

Missed Part 1 of our Greater Springfield series? Read it here.

Greater Springfield in Brisbane has a vision to become a world-class regional city and services hub by 2030. By the time development is complete, an expected $85 billion will have been spent on infrastructure and commercial and residential construction.

Located just east of Ipswich, and within a half hour drive … Read more »