Posts Tagged ‘rentvesting’

4 fundamentals of building long term wealth

Building wealth is a very subjective term, what a large amount of money is to one person is totally different in the eyes of another. This article will be catered towards reaching the masses and how they can go about retiring with a healthy amount of income.

So for the average Joe who is not the next Mark Zuckerberg or young millionaire, pay attention. The 4 wealth … Read more »

Investing with a mortgage to pay

The decision of where to put your money tends to be one of the most important in today’s society. People will often spend their money for financial peace of mind on things such as mortgages, instead of securing a wealthy future with activities such as investing.

Although this seems like an ultimatum between the two, the truth is that you can be involved in both. This article … Read more »

Rentvesting: a growing trend for real estate owners

Like millions of Australians, Emilia Rossi is a tenant.

But unlike most of those tenants, Ms Rossi also owns four investment properties across three states.

She is among a growing breed of real estate investors who chose not to own their own home. Known as “rentvesting”, the strategy sees people using investment property growth to build a deposit, or they rent a property that fits their … Read more »

Rentvesting your way to an investment portfolio

Rentvesting your way to an investment portfolio

Housing affordability is of growing concern to Australians who are eager to enter the property market. It is of particular concern to those who would like to own and live in their dream suburb, however do not have the assets and income to finance their dream home. With no sign of Australian housing prices slowing down, it is becoming increasingly difficult for would-be first home buyers to buy and occupy … Read more »

Rentvesting: The new property trend for investors

Rentvesting: The new property trend for investors

Rentvesting has become a popular trend as more and more people look to build wealth through property. With Australian housing prices on the rise and seemingly out of reach for the average income, this trend has opened the door for many new investors to enter the market. The idea behind rentvesting is that people continue to rent a property that suits their lifestyle; close to work, schools, restaurants, transport and … Read more »