Posts Tagged ‘tenant’

Are tenanted properties the right option for you?

Tenanted properties tend to have a reputation for being the investor’s jackpot. On the surface this may seem true, but this is where investors can get in trouble. Often times what may seem like a great opportunity can backfire horribly if not researched beforehand.

Although it seems like much of the work is already finished if a property is tenanted, this can very often be a negative. … Read more »

How to pick the right tenant for your investment property

You’ve got a great investment property, you love it and you want it to be loved and cared for by the people who live there, right? Seems straightforward enough, but choosing the right tenant for your investment property isn’t always easy. It’s a decision that needs to be carefully and fairly executed.

So who is your ideal tenant? Simply someone that pays rent on time? To have … Read more »

What landlords need to know about tenant rights and responsibilities

Being a landlord involves more than collecting rent and managing repairs. Over the years, the balance between tenant and landlord rights has been a constant pendulum swing; with both parties believing their rights could be improved.

As a landlord it’s imperative to understand both landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. Knowing the process and protocol in your state will see you navigate your way around legislation correctly, ultimately staying away from … Read more »