Posts Tagged ‘yield’

5 practical ways to boost rental yield

With rental property being a massive source of income for many individuals in Australia, the question of how to boost its income yield remains integral.

Fortunately for you, this article will outline some of the top methods of increasing your rental yield so that you don’t go missing out on the potential earnings that countless of other property owners do.


It is common knowledge that the … Read more »

Why you shouldn’t rely on rental yield

Rental yield is a measurement of potential future rental income on an investment, and is generally calculated as a percentage based on the investment’s cost or market value. Rental yield can be used to compare properties and ascertain which option is better.

In Australia, we’re seeing a rise in rental yields, and while a good indicator on a sound investment, an investor shouldn’t rely solely on … Read more »

What is a yield?

Before starting to look seriously at a property, most investors work out the yield on the property to see if it makes their shortlist. Although some investors buy property for other reasons – such as land banking, infrastructure potential or lifestyle reasons – most are mainly concerned with its current return and potential yield.

A yield is a measurement of future income on an investment. It is … Read more »