Posts Tagged ‘investing’

Thinking about purchasing a property with someone else?

Often-times, especially in today’s market, purchasing a property with someone is a common thought to have, due to financial stresses.

Right now you may be on the fence as to whether to move out solo or with another individual. Consider these options for the latter.

Tenants in Common

Ideal for individuals who don’t want equal ownership, ‘Tenants in Common’ depend upon the agreed shares of each party … Read more »

Why protecting your assets is more important now than ever

With the number of lawsuits and similar cases showing up in Australia, subjects such as protecting ones assets are increasingly becoming more important. Anyone knowledgeable about the subject knows that Australia is unfortunately one of the more litigious countries in the world.

Although unfortunate, it is a fact that frivolous lawsuits are an issue and people are taking advantage of our legal system. Wealth can be acquired … Read more »

5 important lessons from an experienced property investor

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced property investor, there is no better way to expand your knowledge of the industry than to learn from people who have already been where you want to go.

The 5 tips in this article are foundational life lessons of those who have crossed the property investing path before:

Head over heart

Like poker players, experienced property investors all know to leave … Read more »

Fractional investing is the new way to invest in property for Australians

For anyone not in the industry of property investment, the concept of fractional investing may seem foreign to you. Unlike the conventional process of the investor owning a property whilst receiving rent from a tenant, fractional investing involves the investor owning just a portion of the property.  

The benefit of this method is purely financial, the investors return on rent is in direct proportion to their … Read more »

Units or Houses – which make better investments?

Have you ever wondered whether units or houses make better investments? In this article, I’ll explore the pros and cons for both and provide you with a definitive conclusion.


Compared to houses, units tend to be smaller abodes, with smaller rooms and less private open space. They may be stand alone (i.e. detached), or they may have common walls with abutting dwellings (i.e. semi-detached), and may also … Read more »

Who is the Australian property market’s typical investor?

Contrary to the image a property investor might conjure up – a wealthy full-time property speculator –  most residential investors in Australia don’t actually rely on it as their primary source of income.

In reality, Australia’s residential investment market is dominated by people who, having bought their own home, have moved onto buying an investment property. These small-scale investors own 83 per cent of all investment properties…. Read more »

Speculating vs investing?

There are many ways to make money from property. How you go about it will depend on whether you are a speculator or an investor.

The difference is usually in the timing.

I’m not talking about timing of the market where you buy at the bottom and sell at the top, (as if you can ever accurately pick those times anyway). No, I’m talking about you … Read more »

Why investors are turning to dual occupancy properties

Investors are increasingly looking to dual occupancy properties to capitalise in an environment where prices continue to rise. This property style allows for economies of scale during the building process and requires that you only purchase one block of land to acquire two income streams.

What is a dual occupancy property?

A dual occupancy property offers two incomes to an investor by way of two separate living spaces … Read more »

More Sydney suburbs have a median house value of $2 million than a median value under $600,000

Source: CoreLogic

We take a retrospective look at median dwelling values across the suburbs of Australia to show the deterioration of more affordable housing across the capital cities.

A retrospective look at median dwelling values across the suburbs of Australia shows the bracket creep that has occurred over the current growth cycle, highlighting the deterioration of more affordable housing across the capital cities over the past five years.

At the end … Read more »

Blue Sky Student Accommodation

Are you looking for an affordable investment opportunity? Whether you’re looking to expand your portfolio, or enter into the property market, we have an exciting and exclusive opportunity through renowned property developers, Blue Sky.

Investing in purpose built student accommodation allows you as an investor the opportunity to participate in Australia’s largest non-resource export sector, Tertiary and Further Education. The benefit of this hugely rare opportunity is … Read more »