Posts Tagged ‘property guide’

Thinking about purchasing a property with someone else?

Often-times, especially in today’s market, purchasing a property with someone is a common thought to have, due to financial stresses.

Right now you may be on the fence as to whether to move out solo or with another individual. Consider these options for the latter.

Tenants in Common

Ideal for individuals who don’t want equal ownership, ‘Tenants in Common’ depend upon the agreed shares of each party … Read more »

5 practical ways to boost rental yield

With rental property being a massive source of income for many individuals in Australia, the question of how to boost its income yield remains integral.

Fortunately for you, this article will outline some of the top methods of increasing your rental yield so that you don’t go missing out on the potential earnings that countless of other property owners do.


It is common knowledge that the … Read more »

Why protecting your assets is more important now than ever

With the number of lawsuits and similar cases showing up in Australia, subjects such as protecting ones assets are increasingly becoming more important. Anyone knowledgeable about the subject knows that Australia is unfortunately one of the more litigious countries in the world.

Although unfortunate, it is a fact that frivolous lawsuits are an issue and people are taking advantage of our legal system. Wealth can be acquired … Read more »

Units or Houses – which make better investments?

Have you ever wondered whether units or houses make better investments? In this article, I’ll explore the pros and cons for both and provide you with a definitive conclusion.


Compared to houses, units tend to be smaller abodes, with smaller rooms and less private open space. They may be stand alone (i.e. detached), or they may have common walls with abutting dwellings (i.e. semi-detached), and may also … Read more »

Does Brisbane have the best transport system in Australia?

Brisbane has the best transport system in Australia, according to a surprising report.

Despite the impact of the “Rail Fail’’ crisis in disrupting the region’s train services, and concern about growing road gridlock, the Queensland capital has outranked Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, and Perth.

The Sustainable Cities Mobility Index, compiled by global design and consultancy firm Arcadis, puts Brisbane at number 48 overall in an assessment of … Read more »

How to benefit from your property’s depreciation

As a property investor, it is important to become familiar with the tax benefits available to you. When a property is being used for investment purposes, the Australian Tax Office allows investors to claim the decline in value of the building by way of a tax deduction. The total amount that can be deducted is calculated on an individual basis.

The most efficient way to claim … Read more »

Gentrification: What does it mean for your next property investment?

Gentrification was a term coined in the 1950s to describe organic population shifts witnessed in London’s inner neighbourhoods. It involves a process whereby higher income investors displace lower income residents of a neighbourhood or suburb, ultimately changing the character and physical appearance of the area.

It’s important not to confuse gentrification with urban renewal; a process of clearing and rebuilding or renovating properties in urban slums. … Read more »

How to choose a home that will be a good investment

Being a first home buyer is no easy task. The sea of processes and procedures can be overwhelming and stressful. For people wishing to enter the property market, a common question is “should I buy an investment property, or my first home?”. The answer depends on the purchaser’s long-term financial goals. But is there a way to do both?

Four things to consider when seeking out your first … Read more »

What to do if the market bursts

Predictions that the Australian property market will burst continue to run rampant as the country faces the greatest credit-fuelled real estate market it’s ever seen. The market has seen a drop off in investor confidence and the repercussions of this are being felt from buyers to sellers with falling auction clearance rates and plateauing property prices in Sydney and Melbourne.

Here are our tips for property … Read more »

Capital gains stall

After showing strong conditions through to September, the final quarter of 2015 ends with capital city dwelling values declining by 1.4%.

According to the CoreLogic RP Data Home Value Index, dwelling values were absolutely flat across the combined capitals during December, with negative movements in Sydney, Adelaide and Canberra being offset by a rise in dwelling values across the remaining five capital cities. The Sydney housing market was the main drag … Read more »