Posts Tagged ‘property management’

Sydney’s next boom pocket

Gentrification is the process of improving an area to conform or be in line with middle-class taste. Traditionally occurring in low socioeconomic neighbourhoods, gentrification changes the face and landscape of suburbs from tired, worn and uninspiring to the modern market’s needs and wants.

Beneficial for buyers and investors, gentrified neighbourhoods offer affordability and a strong potential for significant capital growth. Redfern, Paddington and Woolloomooloo … Read more »

Unit block in Sydney

New Vs. Old: What’s the smarter investment?

Buying an investment property can be a conflicting process if we let our emotions takeover. When we buy an owner occupied home, it’s easy to get swept up on the aesthetics and nice-to-have’s. However an investment property is a different kettle of fish. It must be approached logically and rationally to ensure that you’re making a smart long-term financial decision. Although you personally may wish to purchase a new property … Read more »

How to benefit from your property’s depreciation

As a property investor, it is important to become familiar with the tax benefits available to you. When a property is being used for investment purposes, the Australian Tax Office allows investors to claim the decline in value of the building by way of a tax deduction. The total amount that can be deducted is calculated on an individual basis.

The most efficient way to claim … Read more »

Why it’s a good idea to diversify your property investments

Diversification is a common strategy used by property investors looking to grow their portfolio. The strategy involves investing in properties that differ in price, location, and style – ultimately minimising risk whilst maximising growth opportunities. A diverse portfolio will help balance external factors – both positive and negative – that the market may endure over a long period of time. By having assets spread across a number of … Read more »

How to choose a home that will be a good investment

Being a first home buyer is no easy task. The sea of processes and procedures can be overwhelming and stressful. For people wishing to enter the property market, a common question is “should I buy an investment property, or my first home?”. The answer depends on the purchaser’s long-term financial goals. But is there a way to do both?

Four things to consider when seeking out your first … Read more »

10 renovations which quickly add value

When you start thinking about selling your property, it’s common to consider renovating. Renovating to increase the value of your home can be tricky, and costly. You don’t want to overspend on things that won’t increase value, or under deliver in the areas and rooms that really matter.
Here are 10 easy renovation ideas that instantly increase your property’s value, including painting your interior and updating your patio.
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