Posts Tagged ‘wealth’

4 fundamentals of building long term wealth

Building wealth is a very subjective term, what a large amount of money is to one person is totally different in the eyes of another. This article will be catered towards reaching the masses and how they can go about retiring with a healthy amount of income.

So for the average Joe who is not the next Mark Zuckerberg or young millionaire, pay attention. The 4 wealth … Read more »

What is deductible and what’s not for property investors?

Many expenses relating to investment properties are tax deductible. With the end of financial year in sight, property investors should be planning to maximise their property investment tax deductions. By claiming the available tax deductions, your rental profit can reduce and ultimately reduce your taxable income.

Deductions apply for any property you own that is available for rent, hence excluding your home or personal holiday accommodation. Listing with agents can help … Read more »

Blue Sky Student Accommodation

Are you looking for an affordable investment opportunity? Whether you’re looking to expand your portfolio, or enter into the property market, we have an exciting and exclusive opportunity through renowned property developers, Blue Sky.

Investing in purpose built student accommodation allows you as an investor the opportunity to participate in Australia’s largest non-resource export sector, Tertiary and Further Education. The benefit of this hugely rare opportunity is … Read more »

Positively geared investments vs. Negatively geared investments

If you’re in the property investment market, or hoping to be, you’ve very likely heard the terms ‘positive and negative gearing’. The two terms relate to different investment strategies, with different outcomes. What works for one investor may not work for another, so it’s important to look at your options based on your own individual needs or financial constraints.

So, what’s the difference between positive and negative … Read more »

Unit block in Sydney

New Vs. Old: What’s the smarter investment?

Buying an investment property can be a conflicting process if we let our emotions takeover. When we buy an owner occupied home, it’s easy to get swept up on the aesthetics and nice-to-have’s. However an investment property is a different kettle of fish. It must be approached logically and rationally to ensure that you’re making a smart long-term financial decision. Although you personally may wish to purchase a new property … Read more »

Why you shouldn’t rely on rental yield

Rental yield is a measurement of potential future rental income on an investment, and is generally calculated as a percentage based on the investment’s cost or market value. Rental yield can be used to compare properties and ascertain which option is better.

In Australia, we’re seeing a rise in rental yields, and while a good indicator on a sound investment, an investor shouldn’t rely solely on … Read more »

Why it’s a good idea to diversify your property investments

Diversification is a common strategy used by property investors looking to grow their portfolio. The strategy involves investing in properties that differ in price, location, and style – ultimately minimising risk whilst maximising growth opportunities. A diverse portfolio will help balance external factors – both positive and negative – that the market may endure over a long period of time. By having assets spread across a number of … Read more »

Why property owners should use an offset account

When investing in property there are various different loan types that you can come across including fixed term loans, variable-rate loans as well as being able to use an offset account. An offset account has the potential to save you thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars during your mortgage lifetime. So what exactly is it and how can you use it? Alex Goldhagen from iBuyNew explains.

What is … Read more »

Australia opens doors to foreign investment

The Australian Government has now introduced a new Visa stream called the Premium Investor Visa (PIV), which allows foreign entrepreneurs and innovators to gain access to a permanent residency in Australia for a minimum $15 million investment. Applicants of the PIV can apply by invitation only from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The Visa represents a new opportunity for those with proven success to secure a permanent residency … Read more »

Capital gains stall

After showing strong conditions through to September, the final quarter of 2015 ends with capital city dwelling values declining by 1.4%.

According to the CoreLogic RP Data Home Value Index, dwelling values were absolutely flat across the combined capitals during December, with negative movements in Sydney, Adelaide and Canberra being offset by a rise in dwelling values across the remaining five capital cities. The Sydney housing market was the main drag … Read more »